Saturday, May 12, 2007

I actually KNOW this guy

Totally. I know the hole in one guy.... totally.

As soon as I can get actually get YouTube to give me the embed I'll actually post the video.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Read Techdirt!

I think Techdirt are my kind of people.... mainly because they link to stories that interest me and inject a little bit of common sense.

For example, how does 40% + 70% = 100%?

and: yes theatre revenues are down, but how about making the movie-going experience better instead of making us sit through 30 minutes of commercials & the obligatory "downloading movies is stealing" bit (we're the ones in the theatre morons, we don't need to be told not to download).

On a side note, I now have an IKEA-purchased mini-palm plant named Palmela. So far, she is flourishing. Thanks for asking!

Monday, April 30, 2007

A very linkable Monday

Fertile link ground this morning:

PS - I'm sick :(

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Man sits in chair.

ok ok ok ok ok

So when I was 25 I developed springtime allergies. I started to notice that as the snow melted I would get itchy watery eyes. The symptoms range from mildly annoying to medium annoying. However, this week has been pretty bad so I've resorted to taking antihistamines.

Why would I wait until it got bad?

Well, dear readers, it seems that antihistamines make me hyper. Very very hyper. Like, 3 year old boy hyper.

Now, if you know me, you know that I am NEVER hyper. I'm mostly laidback and chillin' whilst throwing out "witty" comments (read: dorky). However, allergy meds make me vibrate in my chair... literally -- in fact I'm eating an apple and typing this entry as fast as I can just to keep myself from having to get up and walk around!! If I'm sitting I have to be tapping and I think my co-workers are going to show up with torches and a rope soon. That's right. I'm tapping guy. At least my eyes aren't too itchy.

I'm also typing very fast. Did I mention that?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A quote from Dilberta

From Dilbert:

Doctor: "You have a bad case of chair buttocks"

"You can still live a normal life"

"Assuming it's normal for people to point and laugh at you"

Friday, April 20, 2007

Google bombing update

Yes folks, google bombs still work! SCORE! YES! The web has spoken and Stephen Colbert is the "Greatest Living American". It's like voting... only less politics and more adding a link with specific anchor text to your website.

Also, I've been sending Legaldespoiler links in the hope that she would link back to me. It totally worked folks... basically because she is awesome and wonderful. YES!

question: Two yes' in one post - extreme or Xtreme? discuss

The link that worked? Will Ferrell's cool viral vid:

I know everyone and their dog has already seen this video, but hey, I just want to make sure you're up to speed. I mean, I'm not ALL about the cowbell videos.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google bombing. The new grey? Discuss.

I came across a campaign to google-bomb Stephen Colbert with "Greatest Living American". "Big brass balls" would've been better, so I'm using that too!

This is made all the more interesting by the fact that Google recently said that google-bombing would not longer work... not sure how that's supposed to work when links are such a major part of ranking.